
  1. American Society of Civil Engineers, Committee on Adaptation to a Changing Climate, Ayyub, B.M. (Editor). (2018). Climate-Resilient Infrastructure: Adaptive Design and Risk Management. ISBN: 978-0-7844-1519-1. [Purchase].

  2. Olsen, J.R., Ayyub, B.M., Barros, A., Lei, W., Lombardo, F., Medina, M., Samaras, C., Smith, O.P. Stakhiv, E.Z., Tan, J.,  Vinson, T.S., Walker, D., Wright, R., Beucler, B., Harding, B., Heller, M., Krakauer, N.Y., Lund, J.R., Smith, J. (2015). Adapting Infrastructure and Civil Engineering Practice to a Changing Climate. American Society of Civil Engineers, Committee on Adaptation to a Changing Climate, ISBN 978-0-7844-7919-3. [Download]

Peer-Reviewed Rand Corporation reports

  1. Miro, M.E., DeGaetano, A.T., López-Cantú, T., Samaras, C., Webber, M., Romita Grocholski, K. Developing Future Projected Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) Curves: A Technical Report on Data, Methods, and IDF Curves for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed and Virginia. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, TL-A1365-1, 2021. [Download] [Online IDF Curve Tool].

  2. Samaras C., Costello R., DeLuca P., Guerra S.J., Kuhn K, Narayanan A., Nixon M., Pettyjohn SL, Sweeney N., Vesely JV, Burgette L.F. (2016). Improvements to Air Force Strategic Basing Decisions. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, RR-1297-AF, 2016 [Download]

  3. Anderson, J., Kalra, N., Stanley, K., Sorensen, P., Samaras, C., Oluwatola, O. Autonomous Vehicle Technology: A Guide for Policymakers, Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, RR-443-RC, 2014. [Download]

  4. Samaras, C., Willis, H.H., Capabilities-Based Planning for Energy Security at Department of Defense Installations, Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, RR-162-RC, 2013. [Download]

  5. Samaras, C., Haddad, A., Grammich, C., Webb, K.W., Obtaining Life-Cycle Cost Effective Facilities in the Department of Defense, Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, RR-169-OSD, 2013. [Download]

  6. Ortiz, D.S., Samaras, C., Molina-Perez, E., The Industrial Base for Carbon Dioxide Utilization and Storage: Status and Prospects, Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, TR-1300-NETL, 2013. [Download]

  7. Samaras, C., Drezner, J., Willis, H.H., Bloom, E., Characterizing the U.S. Industrial Base for Coal-Fired Electricity, Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, MG-1147-NETL, 2011. [Download]

  8. Ortiz, D.S., Curtright, A.E., Samaras, C., Litovitz, A., Burger, N., Near-term Opportunities for Integrating Biomass into the U.S. Electricity Supply: Technical Considerations, Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, TR-984-NETL, 2011. [Download]

  9. Kalra, N., Younossi, O., Kamarck, K., Al-Dorani, S., Cecchine, G., Curtright, A.E., Feng, C., Litovitz, A., Johnson, D.R., Makki, M., Nataraj, S., Ortiz, D.S., Roshan, P., Samaras, C., Research priorities for the Qatar Foundation's proposed energy and environment research, Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, MG-1106-QF, 2011. [Download]

  10. Curtright, A.E., Willis, H.H., Johnson, D.R., Ortiz, D.S., Burger, N., Samaras, C., Documentation for the Calculating Uncertainty in Biomass Emissions Model, Version 1.0 (CUBE 1.0): Contents and Use. EP-201013-03, National Energy Technology Laboratory, 2010. [Download]

Book Chapters, Monographs, and Magazines

  1. Ginley, D. et al. (2020). Solar Energy Integration. In Solar Energy Research Institute for India and the United States (SERIIUS). Springer. 978-3-030-33183-2. [Web]

  2. Harper C.D., Samaras, C. (2019). Bargain-Hunting Robocars Could Spell the End for Downtown Parking. American Scientist. 107(6), 334. [Web]

  3. Samaras, C., Bazilian, M., Nuttall, W. (2019). Energy and the Military: Leading By Example. Yale Global. Yale University, May 21, 2019. [Web]

  4. Goldstein, A., Samaras, C. (2017). Dire Straits: Strategically-significant international waterways in a warming world. In Epicenters of Climate and Security: The New Geo-Strategic Landscape of the Anthropocene, C. Werrel and F. Femia (eds.), Washington, D.C.: Center for Climate and Security. [Download]

  5. Samaras, C. (2015). U.S. Military Basing Considerations during a Rebalance to Asia: Maintaining Capabilities under Climate Change Impacts. In The U.S. Asia-Pacific Rebalance, National Security and Climate Change, C. Werrel and F. Femia (eds.), Washington, D.C.: Center for Climate and Security. [Download]

  6. Patwardhan, A., Foran, T., Raven, R., Samaras, C., Smith, A., Verbong, G., Walawalkar, R., Azevedo, I.L., Patankar, M., Rao, A., 2012. “Transitions in Energy Systems”. In Global Energy Assessment: Toward a Sustainable Future. L. Gomez-Echeverri, T.B. Johansson, N. Nakicenovic, A. Patwardhan, (eds.), IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria and Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA. [Download]

  7. Michalek, J.J., Chester, M., Samaras C., 2012. Getting the Most Out of Electric Vehicle Subsidies, Issues in Science and Technology. National Academies Press, Washington, D.C., Summer 2012. [Web]

National Academies and Other National Service Report Contributions

  1. National Academies of Sciences (2021). Next Generation Earth Systems Science at the National Science Foundation. National Academies Press, Washington, D.C. [Download]

  2. National Academies of Sciences (2020). Advanced Aerial Mobility: A National Blueprint. National Academies Press, Washington, D.C. [Download]

  3. Lempert, R., J. Arnold, R. Pulwarty, K. Gordon, K. Greig, C. Hawkins Hoffman, D. Sands, and C. Werrell, 2018: Reducing Risks Through Adaptation Actions. In Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation in the United States: Fourth National Climate Assessment, Volume II [Reidmiller, D.R., C.W. Avery, D.R. Easterling, K.E. Kunkel, K.L.M. Lewis, T.K. Maycock, and B.C. Stewart (eds.)]. U.S. Global Change Research Program, Washington, DC, USA. [Technical Contributor] [Download: 10.7930/NCA4.2018.CH28]

  4. Sorensen, P., Light, T., Samaras, C., Ecola, L., Daehner, E. M., Ortiz, D. S., Wachs, M., Enarson-Hering, E., Pickrell, S. (2014). Strategic Issues Facing Transportation, Volume 5: Preparing State Transportation Agencies for an Uncertain Energy Future, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, NCHRP 20-83 (04). [Download]

  5. National Academies of Sciences, Review of the Research Program of the U.S. Drive Partnership: Fourth Report. Board on Energy and Environmental Systems, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, National Academies Press, Washington D.C., 2013. [Download]

Opinion pieces

  1. Chester, M., Samaras, C. (2021). Op-Ed in The Hill : Loose-fit infrastructure can better account for climate change. April 7, 2021.

  2. Samaras, C., Chester., M. (2021). Op-Ed in Civil Engineering Source : Now is (finally) the time to future-proof our infrastructure. Also published on The RAND Blog. March 31, 2021.

  3. Samaras, C. (2020). Mini Op-Ed in Scientific American as part of the series Here’s How Scientists Want Biden to Take on Climate Change, November 12, 2020.

  4. Jenkins, J., Samaras, C. (2020). Mini Op-Ed in Bloomberg as part of The 39 Things Biden Should Do First on Climate Change series, November 11, 2020.

  5. Samaras, C. (2019). Wasting Less Electricity Before Use. Nature Climate Change. 9(9), 648-649. [Open Access Version]

  6. Bergés, M., Samaras, C. (2019). A Path Forward for Smart Cities and IoT Devices. IEEE Internet of Things Magazine. 2(2), 2-4. [Open Access PDF]

  7. Wagner G., Samaras C. (2019). Op-Ed in The New York Times : Do We Really Have Only 12 Years to Avoid Climate Disaster?, September 19, 2019.

  8. Samaras, C. (2019). Op-Ed in The Washington Post, as part of a series of ideas to address climate change : Encourage Electric Vehicles, January 2, 2019.

  9. Lopez-Cantu, T., Samaras, C. (2018). Op-Ed on Medium : Engineering Standards Are Not Keeping Up with Climate Change, July 6, 2018.

  10. Stolaroff, J., Samaras, C. (2018). Op-Ed about our research, "Delivering Packages With Drones Might be Good for the Environment", published in the World Economic Forum and Smithsonian Magazine, February 16, 2018.

  11. Vinsel, L., Samaras. C. (2017). Op-Ed in Salon : Some of the Best Parts of Autonomous Vehicles Are Already Here, September 23, 2017.

  12. Samaras, C. (2014). Invited guest blog post for NPR's On Point : U.S.-China Climate Deal is an Important Step In Long Road Ahead, November 12, 2014

  13. Samaras, C. (2014). Quoted and Mini Op-Ed in The New York Times : Panel’s Latest Warming Warning Misses Global Slumber Party on Energy Research, November 2, 2014.

  14. Group letter published in The New York Times : Certainties, Uncertainties and Choices with Global Warming, September 26, 2014.

  15. Samaras, C., Morgan, M.G. (2019). Cap and Trade in Not Enough: Adopt Carbon Portfolio Standards, Energy Biz. July/August 2009. [Web]

radio and Podcast shows

  1. June 10, 2021, Radio interview for Marketplace : Offshore wind has lots of potential. How close are we to meeting it?

  2. June 1, 2021, Guest on the Real Talk Podcast : Electric Truck as Game Changer

  3. March 1, 2021, Radio interview for Marketplace : Texas’ largest power co-op files for bankruptcy

  4. January 15, 2021, Interviewed for The Trump on Earth podcast : The Series Finale

  5. March 25, 2020, Guest on MIT Tech Review’s Radio Corona : What does the coronavirus outbreak mean for climate change?

  6. July 24, 2019, Podcast guest on The Energy Transition Show : Teaching Resilience

  7. August 8, 2018, Podcast guest on The Energy Transition Show : Transportation Transition

  8. April 6, 2018, Radio guest on Knowledge@Wharton : Autonomous Car Crashes: Who — or What — Is to Blame?

  9. December 6, 2017, Radio guest for Wharton Business Radio show Knowledge@Wharton : Will Losing the Electric Vehicle Tax Credit Kill Plug-in Cars?

  10. September 20, 2016, Radio guest for the full hour of NPR's Radio Times from WHYY : Autonomous vehicle hit Pa. streets, should we be worried?

  11. June 30, 2015, Podcast guest for 99% Invisible : Automation Paradox

  12. November 6, 2014, Radio guest for NPR's On Point : A Dire Climate Change Report, And The Possibility For Change