Doctoral Students

  1. Lt. Col. Woosuk Chun, USAF (Committee Chair), "Assessing Department of Defense Installation Resilience and Energy Use", Civil and Environmental Engineering.

  2. Vanya Britto (Committee Chair), “An exploration into emissions reduction in the transportation sector through fuel substitution, increases in operations efficiency, and evaluating new technologies”, Engineering and Public Policy.

  3. Zia Lyle (Co-advised with Jeanne VanBriesen), “Informing Climate Risk Decision-Making for Drinking Water Utilities”, Engineering and Public Policy and Civil and Environmental Engineering.

  4. Jordan Joseph (Committee co-chair, co-advised with Destenie Nock), “Pathways to Rapid and Equitable Residential Decarbonization in the U.S.”, Civil and Environmental Engineering.

  5. Alex Newkirk (Committee co-chair, Co-advised with Erica Fuchs), “Policies to Increase Resilience in Semiconductor Supply Chains and Reduce Energy Impacts of Artificial Intelligence”, Engineering and Public Policy.

  6. Steve Guenther, (Committee Chair), “Decarbonizing U.S. University Campuses”, Civil and Environmental Engineering.

Alumni Doctoral Students

  1. Ioana Iacob (Co-advised with Granger Morgan and Valerie Karplus), “Assessing Non-Economic Challenges for Hydrogen Technology Development in the United States”, Engineering and Public Policy. Completed in 2025.

  2. Sofia Martinez (Committee Chair, co-advised with Corey Harper), “Reducing Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Battery Electric Bus Deployment, Mineral Efficiency, and Onshoring Critical Mineral Production”, Civil and Environmental Engineering. Completed in 2024.

  3. Andrew Jones (Committee co-chair, co-advised with Destenie Nock), “Climate change and the impact on energy insecurity in the residential sector: A place-based analysis into the consumption and energy insecurity heterogeneities within Arizona”, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Completed in 2024.

  4. Marissa Webber (Committee Chair, co-advised with David Rounce), “Monitoring and Modeling Urban Stormwater Infrastructure and Nature-Based Solutions for Effective and Equitable Climate Change Adaptation”, Civil and Environmental Engineering. Completed in 2024.

  5. Aaron Burns (Committee co-chair, co-advised with Jeremy Michalek), “Estimating the Potential for Optimized Curb Management to Reduce Delivery Vehicle Double Parking, Traffic Congestion and Energy Consumption”, Engineering and Public Policy and Mechanical Engineering. Completed in 2024.

  6. Capt. Cari Gandy, USAF (Committee co-chair, co-advised with Daniel Armanios), “Social Equity in Transportation Infrastructure Management: Quantitative Methods for Assessing and Improving the Distribution of Public Investments”, Engineering and Public Policy and Civil and Environmental Engineering. Completed in 2024.

  7. Thiago Rodrigues (Committee Chair, co-advised with Jeremy Michalek), “Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Autonomous Aerial and Ground Vehicles for Last-Mile Delivery”, Civil and Environmental Engineering. Completed in 2023.

  8. Allanté Whitmore (Committee Chair, co-advised with Chris Hendrickson), "Integrating Shared Autonomous Mobility into the U.S. Transportation System: An Equity, Economic, Ethical, and Environmental Assessment", Civil and Environmental Engineering and Engineering and Public Policy. Completed in 2022.

  9. Ana Cáceres (Co-Advised with Paulina Jaramillo), "Hydropower Vulnerability in a Changing Climate: Characterizing Future Risks in the Global South", Engineering and Public Policy and Civil and Environmental Engineering, Completed in 2022.

  10. Reshmi Ghosh (Committee Chair, beginning in 2021), “Data-driven stochastic reliability assessment of the US electricity grid under large penetration of variable renewable energy resources”, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Completed in 2021.

  11. Abdullah Alarfaj (Committee Chair, Co-Advised with Michael Griffin), “Deep Decarbonization of U.S. Passenger Vehicle Transportation: Robust Decisions for Sectoral Transition and Climate Policy”, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Completed in 2021.

  12. Tania Lopez-Cantu (Committee Chair), “Increasing Stormwater Infrastructure Climate Resilience and Enabling Adaptation Under Deep Uncertainty”, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Completed in 2021.

  13. Jacob Ward (Co-Advised with Jeremy Michalek and Inês Azevedo), “Impact of Shared Mobility on Vehicle Energy, Economic and Emissions Outcomes”, Engineering and Public Policy and Mechanical Engineering, Completed in 2020.

  14. DeVynne Farquharson (Co-Advised with Paulina Jaramillo), “Sustainable Energy Access in the Developing World”, Engineering and Public Policy, Completed in 2019.

  15. Lauren Cook (Committee Chair, Co-Advised with Jeanne VanBriesen), “Incorporating Climate Change Information into Engineering Design Decisions”, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Completed in 2018.

  16. Greg Schivley (Committee Chair, Co-Advised with Inês Azevedo), “Environmental Implications of Energy Transitions”, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Completed in 2018.

  17. Chelsea Kolb (Co-Advised with Jeanne VanBriesen and Matteo Pozzi), “Drinking Water Quality and Risk Challenges from Increasing Source Water Bromide: Climate and Energy Changes”, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Completed in 2018.

  18. Kelly Good (Committee Member), “Coal-Fired Power Plant Wastewater Contributions to Bromide Concentrations in Drinking Water Sources”, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Completed in 2018.

  19. Avi Mersky (Committee Chair), “Environmental Benefits of Vehicle Automation”, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University. Completed in 2017.

  20. Corey Harper (Co-Advised with Chris Hendrickson), “Costs and Benefits of Transitioning to Autonomous Vehicles”, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Completed in 2017.

  21. Maj. Paul Tisa, USAF, (Co-Advised with Paul Fischbeck), “Improving the Military’s Fully Burdened Cost of Fuel Decisionmaking”, Engineering and Public Policy, Completed in 2016.

  22. Daniel Posen (Committee Member), “Fuel, Feedstock, or Neither? – Evaluating Tradeoffs in the use of Biomass for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation? Engineering and Public Policy and Civil and Environmental Engineering, Completed in 2016.

  23. Stephanie Seki (Committee Member), “Assessing the impacts of increased ethanol availability and use in the transportation sector with case studies in Pennsylvania?” Engineering and Public Policy and Civil and Environmental Engineering, Completed in 2016.

  24. Leslie Abrahams (Co-Advised with Michael Griffin and Scott Matthews), “Life Cycle Environmental Impacts from Energy Exports”, Engineering and Public Policy and Civil and Environmental Engineering, Completed in 2016.

  25. Edmundo Molina-Perez, (Committee Member). “The International Diffusion of Climate Change Mitigation Technologies”, Pardee RAND Graduate School. Completed in 2016.

  26. Michelle Tom (Committee Member), “Health, Food Production, and Transportation”, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University. Completed in 2015.

  27. Frauke Hoss (Committee Member), “Uncertainty in River Forecasts: Quantification and Implications for Decision-Making in Emergency Management”, Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University. Completed in 2014.

  28. Chaoling Feng, (Co-Advised with Charles Wolf Jr. and Debra Knopman). “U.S. and China: New Opportunities and Challenges for Multi-level Collaboration to Promote Energy Security”, Pardee RAND Graduate School. Completed in 2014.

  29. Aviva Litovitz, (Committee Member). “Impact of Federal Funding on the Productivity of Sustainable Energy Researchers”, Pardee RAND Graduate School. Completed in 2014.

  30. Elizabeth Traut, (Committee Member). “Life Cycle Cost and Environmental Implications of U.S. Electric Vehicle and Charging Infrastructure Scenarios”, Department of Mechanical Engineering. Completed in 2013.

  31. Catherine Izard, (Committee Member). “Transforming the Electricity Sector to Low-Carbon Infrastructure To Meet Emissions Reduction Targets by Mid-Century”, Department of Engineering and Public Policy, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Completed in 2013.

  32. Racheal Nealer, (Committee Member). “Sustainable Transportation and Decision-Making: case studies of transportation decisions to reduce environmental impacts” Department of Engineering and Public Policy, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Completed in 2012.


Alumni Master's Students

  1. Uwakmfon Ibekwe, “Impact of Climate Change on Drinking Water Quality”, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 2021.

  2. Mohak Chauhan, “Benefit Cost Analysis of Green Infrastructure in Pittsburgh”. Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 2020.

  3. Marissa Webber, “Sensing Green Infrastructure Performance”, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 2019.

  4. Aradhana Gahlaut, “Life Cycle Assessment of Last-Mile Delivery Systems”, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University. 2019.

  5. Ken Sears, “Climate Adaptation and the Electricity System”, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Engineering and Public Policy, Completed in 2017.

  6. Ana Cáceres, “Extreme Events and Asset Management”, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 2017.

  7. Maureen Golan, “Energy Intensity of Warehousing”, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 2017.

  8. Adam Goldstein, “Power Sector Emissions Intensity”, Energy Science, Technology and Policy, 2016-2017.

  9. Narayanaswami Bharadwaj, “Techno-Economic Assessment of Automated Vehicles”, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University. 2016.

  10. Dawning Wu, “Alternative Fuels for Public Transit in Kenya”, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University. 2016.

  11. James Miller, “Innovation Opportunities for Autonomous Vehicles and Communications Technologies”, Carnegie Mellon University. 2015.

  12. Thiago Rodrigues, “Climate Change Adaptation and Transportation Infrastructure Asset Management”, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University. 2015.

  13. Chen Zhou, “Climate Risks to the U.S. Strategic Highway Network”, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University. 2015.

  14. Nemi Vora, Summer 2014. "Congruence of Electricity Environmental and Reliability Benefits in MISO", Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University. 2014.

  15. LCDR Jacob McIlvaine, USN. “Energy Security at U.S. Navy Installations”, Energy Science, Technology and Policy, Carnegie Mellon University. 2015.

  16. CPT Michael Wiehagen, USA. Spring 2014. "Benefits of Microgrids at U.S. Army Installations".