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Reviewed Journal Papers
Joseph, J.M., Samaras, C., Nock, D., Gregory, K.B., Vaishnav, P. (2025). Rebates and Grid Decarbonization from the Inflation Reduction Act Promote Equitable Adoption of Energy Efficiency Retrofits. Environmental Research Letters. [Open Access Version]
Lyle, Z., VanBriesen, J. M., & Samaras, C. (2025). Climate change hazard index reveals combined risks to United States drinking water utilities. Environmental Research: Climate. 4 (1), 015007 [Open Access Version].
Martinez, S.S., Samaras, C. (2024). Electrification of Transit Buses in the United States Reduces Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Environmental Science & Technology. 58, 9, 4137–4144 [Open Access Version].
Burns, A.J., Michalek, J.J., Samaras, C. (2024). Estimating the potential for optimized curb management to reduce delivery vehicle double parking, traffic congestion and energy consumption. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 187, 103574 [Open Access Version].
Jones, A., Nock, D., Samaras, C., Qiu, Y., Xing, B. (2023). Climate change impacts on future residential electricity consumption and energy burden: A case study in Phoenix, Arizona. Energy Policy. 183, 113811. [Open Access Version].
Lyle, Z.J., VanBriesen, J.M., Samaras, C. (2023). Drinking Water Utility-Level Understanding of Climate Change Effects to System Reliability. ACS EST Water, 3(8), 2395–2406. [Open Access Version].
Gandy, C.A., Armanios, D.E., Samaras, C. (2023). Social Equity of Bridge Management. ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering, 39(5). [Open Access Version].
Sharma, A., Patrikar, J.,. Moon, B., Scherer, S., Samaras, C. (2023). Quantifying the Effect of Weather on Advanced Air Mobility Operations. Findings. [Open Access Version].
Lopez-Cantu, T., Webber, M. K., & Samaras, C. (2022). Incorporating uncertainty from downscaled rainfall projections into climate resilience planning in U.S. cities. Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability. 2 045006. [Open Access Version]
Rodrigues, T. A., Patrikar, J., Oliveira, N. L., Matthews, H. S., Scherer, S., & Samaras, C. (2022). Drone flight data reveal energy and greenhouse gas emissions savings for small package delivery. Patterns. 100569. [Open Access Version]. This paper was featured in a News article in Nature, in TIME, in Scientific American, on Public Radio, and in Popular Science.
Cáceres, A.L., Jaramillo, P., Matthews, H.S., Samaras, C., Nijssen, B. (2022). Potential hydropower contribution to mitigate climate risk and build resilience in Africa. Nature Climate Change. 12, 719–727. [Journal Version][Open Access Version].
Webber, M.K., Samaras, C. (2022). A Review of Decision Making Under Deep Uncertainty Applications Using Green Infrastructure for Flood Management. Earth’s Future. 10(7). e2021EF002322. [Open Access Version].
Lai, Y., Lopez-Cantu, T., Dzombak, D., Samaras, C. (2022). Framing the Use of Climate Model Projections in Infrastructure Engineering – Practices, Uncertainties, and Recommendations. ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 28(3). [Open Access Version].
Whitmore, A.V., Hendrickson, C.T., Matthews, H.S., Samaras, C. (2022). Integrating Public Transportation and Shared Autonomous Mobility for Equitable Transit Coverage: A Cost-Efficiency Analysis. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 14, 100571. [Open Access Version].
Whitmore, A.V., Samaras, C., Matthews, H.S., Wong-Parodi, G. (2022). Engineers’ Roles and Responsibilities in Automated Vehicle Ethics: Exploring Engineering Codes of Ethics as a Guide to Addressing Issues in Sociotechnical Systems. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 148(6). [Journal Version][Open Access Version].
Shaffer, B., Auffhammer, M., Samaras, C. (2021). Make electric vehicles lighter for climate and safety. Nature, 598(7880), 254-256. [Editor-reviewed, Journal Version]. This paper was featured in Forbes and in Axios.
Whiston, M.M., Azevedo, I., Litster, S., Samaras, C., Whitefoot, K.S., Whitacre, J.F. (2021). Paths to Market for Stationary Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: Expert Elicitation and a Cost of Electricity Model. Applied Energy, 304(15) 117641. [Journal Version].
Whiston, M.M., Azevedo, I., Litster, S., Samaras, C., Whitefoot, K.S., Whitacre, J.F. (2021). Expert elicitation on paths to advance fuel cell electric vehicles. Energy Policy, 112671 [Journal Version].
Ward. J.W., Michalek, J.J., Samaras, C. (2021). The Air Pollution, Greenhouse Gas, and Traffic Externality Costs and Benefits of Shifting Private Vehicle Travel to Ridesourcing Services. Environmental Science and Technology. 55, 19, 13174–13185, [Journal Version]. This paper was featured in an Editorial in The New York Times.
Rodrigues, T. A., Patrikar, J., Choudhry, A., Feldgoise, J., Arcot, V., Gahlaut, A., Lau, S., Moon, B., Wagner, B., Matthews, H. S., Scherer, S., Samaras, C. (2021). In-flight positional and energy use data set of a DJI Matrice 100 quadcopter for small package delivery. Scientific Data. 8, 155. [Open Access Version].
Caceres, A., Jaramillo, P., Matthews, H.S., Samaras, C., Nijssen, B. (2021). Hydropower under climate uncertainty: characterizing the usable capacity of Brazilian, Colombian and Peruvian power plants under climate scenarios. Energy For Sustainable Development, 61, 217-229. [Open Access Version].
Wright, D.B., Samaras, C., Lopez-Cantu, T. (2021). Resilience to Extreme Rainfall Starts with Science. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 102 (4), E808-E813. [Open Access Version].
Chester, M., Underwood, B.S., Allenby, B., Garcia, M., Samaras, C., Markolf, S., Sanders, K., Preston, B., Miller, T.R. (2021). Infrastructure Resilience for Acceleration, Uncertainty, and Complexity in the Anthropocene. Nature Urban Sustainability. 1(4). [Open Access Version].
Ward. J., Michalek, J.J., Samaras, C., Azevedo, I.L., Henao, A., Rames, C., Wenzel, T. (2021). Impact of Uber and Lyft on Vehicle Ownership, Fuel Economy & Transit Across US Cities, iScience, 101933. [Open Access Version].
Harper, C.D., Qian, S., Samaras, C. (2021). Improving Short-term Travel Speed Prediction with High Resolution Spatial and Temporal Rainfall Data. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems. 147 (3). [Journal Version].
Whiston, M.M., Azevedo, I., Litster, S., Samaras, C., Whitefoot, K.S., Whitacre, J.F. (2021). Hydrogen Storage for Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles: Expert Elicitation and a Levelized Cost of Driving Model. Environmental Science and Technology. 55 (1), 553–562 [Journal Version].
Choudhry, A., Moon, B., Patrikar, J., Samaras, C., & Scherer, S. (2021). CVaR-based Flight Energy Risk Assessment for Multirotor UAVs using a Deep Energy Model. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). 262-268 [IEEE Version][Open Access Version].
Alarfaj, A., Griffin, W.M., Samaras, C. (2020). Decarbonizing U.S. passenger vehicle transport under electrification and automation uncertainty has a travel budget. Environmental Research Letters, 15, 0940c2. [Open Access Version]. Prof. Samaras was quoted about this research in The New York Times, Dr. Alarfaj was also quoted in a second article that developed a visualization of our results, and the paper was featured in a third article in The New York Times.
Underwood, B.S., Mascaro, G., Chester, M., Fraser, A., Lopez-Cantu, T., Samaras, C. (2020). Past and Present Design Practices and Uncertainty in Climate Projections are Challenges for Designing Infrastructure to Future Conditions. ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems. 26(3) 04020026. [Journal Version] [Open Access Version]. This paper was featured in an article in The Washington Post.
Lopez-Cantu, T., Prein, A., Samaras, C. (2020). Uncertainties in Future U.S. Extreme Precipitation from Downscaled Climate Projections. Geophysical Research Letters. 47(9). e2019GL086797. [Open Access Version].
Chester, M. V., Underwood, B. S., & Samaras, C. (2020). Keeping infrastructure reliable under climate uncertainty. Nature Climate Change, 10, 488-490. [Editor-reviewed, Journal Version, Open Access Version].
Cook, L.M., McGinnis, S., Samaras, C. (2020). The effect of modeling choices on updating intensity duration frequency curves and stormwater infrastructure designs for climate change. Climatic Change. 159, 289–308. [Open Access Version].
Mersky, A.C., Samaras, C. (2020). Environmental and Economic Tradeoffs of City Vehicle Fleet Electrification and Photovoltaic Installation in the U.S. PJM Interconnection. Environmental Science and Technology. 54(1), 380–389. [Journal Version].
Samaras, C. (2019). Wasting Less Electricity Before Use. Nature Climate Change. 9(9), 648-649. [Editor-Reviewed, Open Access Version]
Cook, L.M., VanBriesen, J., Samaras, C. (2019). Using Rainfall Measures to Evaluate Hydrologic Performance of Green Infrastructure Systems under Climate Change, Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure. [Open Access Version].
Mulrow, J., Derrible, S., Samaras, C. (2019). Sociotechnical Convex Hulls and the Evolution of Transportation Activity: A Method and Application to US Travel Survey Data, Technological Forecasting & Social Change. 149, 119789. [Journal Version].
Ward. J., Michalek, J.J., Azevedo, I.L., Samaras, C., Ferraria, P. (2019). Effects of on-demand ridesourcing on vehicle ownership, fuel consumption, vehicle miles traveled, and emissions per capita in U.S. states, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 108, 289-301 [Journal Version].
Samaras, C., Nuttall, W., Bazilian, M. (2019). Energy and the Military: Convergence of Security, Economic, and Environmental Decision-Making. Energy Strategy Reviews. 26, 100409 [Open Access Version].
Whiston, M. M., Azevedo, I. M., Litster, S., Samaras, C., Whitefoot, K. S., & Whitacre, J. F. (2019). Meeting US Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Targets. Joule. 3(9), 2060-2065. [Journal Version].
Whiston, M.M., Azevedo, I., Litster, S., Whitefoot, K.S., Samaras, C., Whitacre, J.F. (2019). Expert Assessments Of The Cost And Expected Future Performance Of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells For Vehicles, Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences, 116(11), 4899-4904. [Journal Version]
Khan, A., Harper, C., Hendrickson, C., Samaras C. (2019). Net-social benefits and Net-private benefits of some existing vehicle crash avoidance technologies. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 125, 207-216. [Journal Version] [Open Access Version]
Bergés, M., Samaras, C. (2019). A Path Forward for Smart Cities and IoT Devices. IEEE Internet of Things Magazine. 2(2), 2-4. [Editor-Reviewed, Open Access PDF]
Farquharson, D., Jaramillo, P., Samaras C. (2018). Sustainability Implications of Electricity Outages in Sub-Saharan Africa, Nature Sustainability, 1, 589-597 [Journal Version] [Open Access Version] [Summary Blog Post]
Harper, C.D., Hendrickson, C.T., Samaras, C. (2018). Exploring the Economic, Environmental, and Travel Implications of Changes in Parking Choices due to Driverless Vehicles: An Agent Based Simulation Approach. ASCE Journal of Urban Planning and Development. 144(4), 04018043. [Journal Version] [Open Access Version] [Summary Magazine Article]
Lopez-Cantu, T., Samaras, C. (2018). Temporal and spatial evaluation of stormwater engineering standards reveals risks and priorities across the United States, Environmental Research Letters. 13 074006 [Open Access Version] [Summary Blog Post]
Schivley, G., Azevedo, I., Samaras, C. (2018). Assessing the evolution of power sector
carbon intensity in the United States, Environmental Research Letters. 13 064018. [Open Access Version]Stolaroff, J.K., Samaras, C., O'Neill, E.R., Lubers, A., Mitchell, L.S., Ceperley, D. (2018). Energy use and life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of drones for commercial package delivery, Nature Communications. 10.1038/s41467-017-02411-5. [Open Access Version] [Summary Magazine Article]. This paper was featured in articles in The New York Times, MIT Tech Review, WIRED, The Guardian, The Los Angeles Times, and the UN Environment Programme.
Vasebi, S., Hayeri, Y. M., Samaras, C., Hendrickson, C.T. (2018). Low-Level Automated Light-Duty Vehicle Technologies Provide Opportunities to Reduce Fuel Consumption, Transportation Research Record, 18-06702. [Journal Version]
Cook, L.M., Samaras, C., VanBriesen, J. (2018). A Mathematical Model for Planning for Long-Term Effects of Water Conservation Choices on Wastewater Systems, Journal of Environmental Management, 206(15), 684-697. [Journal Version]
Cook L., Anderson, C., Samaras, C. (2017). Framework for Incorporating Downscaled Climate Output into Existing Engineering Methods: Application to Precipitation Frequency Curves. ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems. [Journal Version][Open Access Pre-Print]
Abrahams, L. S., Samaras, C., Griffin, W. M., & Matthews, H. S. (2017). Effect of Crude Oil Carbon Accounting Decisions on Meeting Global Climate Budgets. Environment Systems and Decisions. 1-15. [Journal Version] [Open Access Version]
Kolb, C., Pozzi, M., Samaras, C., VanBriesen, J. (2017). Climate change impacts on bromide, trihalomethane formation, and health risks at coastal groundwater utilities. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems. [Open Access Version]
Harper, C., Mangones, S., Hendrickson, C., Samaras, C. (2016). Estimating Potential Increases in Travel with Autonomous Vehicles for the Non-Driving, Elderly and People with Travel-Restrictive Medical Conditions. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Volume 72, November 2016, Pages 1–9. *Paper selected from among all the papers in Elsevier's 2,600 journals for the Elsevier Atlas Award in December 2016. [Open Access Version]
Harper, C., Hendrickson, C., Samaras C. (2016). Cost and Benefit Estimates of Partially-Automated Vehicle Collision Avoidance Technologies. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 95, 104-115. [Journal Version] [Open Access Pre-Print]
Farquharson, D., Jaramillo P., Carlson, D., Klima, K., Schivley, G., Samaras, C., (2016). Beyond Global Warming Potential: A Comparative Application of Climate Impact Metrics for the Life Cycle Assessment of Coal and Natural Gas Based Electricity, Journal of Industrial Ecology. [Journal Version] [Open Access Pre-Print]
Mersky, A.C., Sprei, F., Samaras, C., & Qian, Z. S. (2016). Effectiveness of incentives on electric vehicle adoption in Norway. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 46, 56-68. [Journal Version]
Mersky A.C., Samaras C. (2016). Fuel Economy Testing of Autonomous Vehicles. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 65, 31–48. [Journal Version] [Open Access Pre-Print]
Abrahams, L. S., Samaras, C., Griffin, W. M., & Matthews, H. S. (2015). Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions From US Liquefied Natural Gas Exports: Implications for End Uses. Environmental Science & Technology, 49(5), 3237-3245. [Open Access Version]
Abramzon, S., Samaras, C., Curtright, A.E., Litovitz, A., Burger, N. (2014). Estimating The Consumptive Use Costs of Shale Natural Gas Extraction on Pennsylvania Roadways. ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems. [Journal Version] [Open Access Pre-Print]
Litovitz, A., Curtright, A., Abramzon, S., Burger, N., & Samaras, C. (2013). Estimation of regional air-quality damages from Marcellus Shale natural gas extraction in Pennsylvania. Environmental Research Letters, 8(1), 014017. *Paper Selected as a ERL Highlight of 2013. [Open Access Version]
Mashayekh, Y., Jaramillo, P., Samaras, C., Hendrickson, C. T., Blackhurst, M., MacLean, H. L., & Matthews, H. S. (2012). Potentials for sustainable transportation in cities to alleviate climate change impacts. Environmental Science & Technology, 46(5), 2529-2537. [Journal Version]
Michalek, J. J., Chester, M., Jaramillo, P., Samaras, C., Shiau, C. S. N., & Lave, L. B. (2011). Valuation of plug-in vehicle life-cycle air emissions and oil displacement benefits. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(40), 16554-16558. [Open Access Version]
Crane, K., Curtright, A. E., Ortiz, D. S., Samaras, C., & Burger, N. (2011). The economic costs of reducing greenhouse gas emissions under a US national renewable electricity mandate. Energy Policy, 39(5), 2730-2739. [Open Access Version]
Johnson, D. R., Willis, H. H., Curtright, A. E., Samaras, C., & Skone, T. (2011). Incorporating uncertainty analysis into life cycle estimates of greenhouse gas emissions from biomass production. Biomass and Bioenergy, 35(7), 2619-2626. [Open Access Version]
Weber, C. L., Jaramillo, P., Marriott, J., & Samaras, C. (2010). Life cycle assessment and grid electricity: what do we know and what can we know?. Environmental Science & Technology, 44(6), 1895-1901. [Open Access Version]
Shiau, C. S. N., Samaras, C., Hauffe, R., & Michalek, J. J. (2009). Impact of battery weight and charging patterns on the economic and environmental benefits of plug-in hybrid vehicles. Energy Policy, 37(7), 2653-2663. [Journal Version] [PDF]
Jaramillo, P., Samaras, C., Wakeley, H., & Meisterling, K. (2009). Greenhouse gas implications of using coal for transportation: Life cycle assessment of coal-to-liquids, plug-in hybrids, and hydrogen pathways. Energy Policy, 37(7), 2689-2695. [Journal Version]
Meisterling, K., Samaras, C., & Schweizer, V. (2009). Decisions to reduce greenhouse gases from agriculture and product transport: LCA case study of organic and conventional wheat. Journal of Cleaner Production, 17(2), 222-230. [Journal Version] [PDF]
Samaras, C., & Meisterling, K. (2008). Life cycle assessment of greenhouse gas emissions from plug-in hybrid vehicles: implications for policy. Environmental Science & Technology, 42(9), 3170-3176. [Open Access Version]