Future of the Electricity System
To assist in the transition to resilient, decarbonized, equitable, and affordable energy infrastructure systems, our systems analysis research informs interdependent infrastructure planning, engineering, and deployment decisions during a global clean energy transition. We also track and analyze the trends in the greenhouse gas emissions of the U.S. power sector.
Prof. Samaras appeared as guest on NPR's On Point to discuss energy and climate policy:
Selected Research Outputs
Journal Paper: Joseph, J.M., Samaras, C., Nock, D., Gregory, K.B., Vaishnav, P. (2025). Rebates and Grid Decarbonization from the Inflation Reduction Act Promote Equitable Adoption of Energy Efficiency Retrofits. Environmental Research Letters. [Open Access Version].
Journal Paper: Jones, A., Nock, D., Samaras, C., Qiu, Y., Xing, B. (2023). Climate change impacts on future residential electricity consumption and energy burden: A case study in Phoenix, Arizona. Energy Policy. 183, 113811. [Open Access Version].
Journal Paper: Whiston, M.M., Azevedo, I., Litster, S., Samaras, C., Whitefoot, K.S., Whitacre, J.F. (2021). Paths to Market for Stationary Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: Expert Elicitation and a Cost of Electricity Model. Applied Energy, 304(15) 117641. [Journal Version]
Journal Paper: Caceres, A., Jaramillo, P., Matthews, H.S., Samaras, C., Nijssen, B. (2021). Hydropower under climate uncertainty: characterizing the usable capacity of Brazilian, Colombian and Peruvian power plants under climate scenarios. Energy For Sustainable Development, 61, 217-229. [Open Access Version].
Op-Ed: Samaras, C. (2019). Wasting Less Electricity Before Use. Nature Climate Change. 10.1038/s41558-019-0558-x. [Open Access Version]
Journal Paper: Whiston, M. M., Azevedo, I. M., Litster, S., Samaras, C., Whitefoot, K. S., & Whitacre, J. F. (2019). Meeting US Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Targets. Joule. 10.1016/j.joule.2019.07.018. [Journal Version]
Journal Paper: Farquharson, D., Jaramillo, P., Samaras C. (2018). Sustainability Implications of Electricity Outages in Sub-Saharan Africa, 2017, Nature Sustainability, 1, 589-597 [Journal Version] [Open Access Version] [Summary Blog Post]
Journal Paper: Schivley, G., Azevedo, I., Samaras, C. (2018). Assessing the evolution of power sector carbon intensity in the United States, Environmental Research Letters. 13 064018. [Open Access Version]
Journal Paper: Abrahams, L. S., Samaras, C., Griffin, W. M., & Matthews, H. S. (2017). Effect of Crude Oil Carbon Accounting Decisions on Meeting Global Climate Budgets. Environment Systems and Decisions. 1-15. [Journal Version]
Journal Paper: Farquharson, D., Jaramillo P., Carlson, D., Klima, K., Schivley, G., Samaras, C., (2016). Beyond Global Warming Potential: A Comparative Application of Climate Impact Metrics for the Life Cycle Assessment of Coal and Natural Gas Based Electricity, Journal of Industrial Ecology. [Journal Version] [Open Access Pre-Print]
Journal Paper: Abrahams, L. S., Samaras, C., Griffin, W. M., & Matthews, H. S. (2015). Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions From US Liquefied Natural Gas Exports: Implications for End Uses. Environmental Science & Technology, 49(5), 3237-3245. [Open Access Version]
Journal Paper: Abramzon, S., Samaras, C., Curtright, A.E., Litovitz, A., Burger, N. (2014). Estimating The Consumptive Use Costs of Shale Natural Gas Extraction on Pennsylvania Roadways. Journal of Infrastructure Systems. [Journal Version] [Open Access Pre-Print]
Journal Paper: Litovitz, A., Curtright, A., Abramzon, S., Burger, N., & Samaras, C. (2013). Estimation of regional air-quality damages from Marcellus Shale natural gas extraction in Pennsylvania. Environmental Research Letters, 8(1), 014017. *Paper Selected as a ERL Highlight of 2013. [Open Access Version]
Journal Paper: Johnson, D. R., Willis, H. H., Curtright, A. E., Samaras, C., & Skone, T. (2011). Incorporating uncertainty analysis into life cycle estimates of greenhouse gas emissions from biomass production. Biomass and Bioenergy, 35(7), 2619-2626. [Open Access Version]
Journal Paper: Weber, C. L., Jaramillo, P., Marriott, J., & Samaras, C. (2010). Life cycle assessment and grid electricity: what do we know and what can we know?. Environmental Science & Technology, 44(6), 1895-1901. [Open Access Version]
Journal Paper: Meisterling, K., Samaras, C., & Schweizer, V. (2009). Decisions to reduce greenhouse gases from agriculture and product transport: LCA case study of organic and conventional wheat. Journal of Cleaner Production, 17(2), 222-230. [Journal Version] [PDF]
Conference Paper: Samaras, C. (2006). Technical change and public policies affecting wind power’s past, present, and future. Proceedings of Windpower 2006, American Wind Energy Association. Pittsburgh, PA, June 4-7, 2006. [PDF]